5 Questions with The Dead Century and Day Block Brewing on beer/song release on June 7

We’ve had the honor of sharing (super fun!) videos by The Dead Century in the past. And now we hear the are partnering with Day Block Brewing on a music and beer pairing. The band helped the production crew brew a limited-run beer and produced a song to match. I can’t wait to taste the beer. The song, Miss Me in The Dark, sounds great. I got to ask the band and the brewer a few questions…

Please tell us about The Dead Century.

The Dead Century works in the deeply personal, loose-cannon narratives of The Hold Steady and Bruce Springsteen expressed through the expansive and emotionally engaging soundscapes of The War On Drugs. Their somewhat mercurial 2017 debut effort, the Nevada Sun EP, showcased the band’s penchant for character and narrative-driven music.

The band released the One More Year / Molly single in early 2018; Ten Ton Summer was released in August, 2019. Two more singles came near the beginning of 2020, Bombay Beach and Realign. A longer recording effort followed, the result of which is “The Well,” their first studio album, which arrived in October of 2022.

What is/was/ will be Bands That Brew.

Bands That Brew is a program run by the fine folks at Day Block Brewing which serves to highlight he connection between beer and music.  Both brewing and music are crafts which need to be shared, and out of this necessity, they find common ground as crafts.

Now, what makes Bands That Brew particularly unique is the involvement which the band has in the brewing process.  Plenty of breweries will partner with bands for a joint release, but, at least to our knowledge, Day Block is the only one to have the band actually come in and brew.  Our bass Player, John Paul, had worked in production at a different craft brewery in town for a good chunk of time so we weren’t totally out of our element.  We also had a lot of help from Day Block’s head brewer, Chris who, in addition to gently shooting down our drummer’s terrible ideas, was the creative force behind paring the style to the track.

What is the process of pairing a song to a beer?

A lot can really go into that, but in our case this part of the process was pretty straightforward.  Chris had been wanting to brew a white stout for a while.  He thought that the name ‘Miss Me in the Dark’ offered good enough wordplay in reference to the style’s typical color profile to serve as a title.

Who would you nominate for future beer-song pairings?

You know, there is a local outfit we all just caught live named Red Lovely.  They put on a great show, and you could do a lot with a name like that.  ESB? Red IPA? Irish Amber? The options are endless!

Please tell us about the song/beer release.

We’re set to play a release show on June 7th.  We’ll be serving our white stout, Miss Me in the Dark, on nitro!  We’re excited to have opening support from Colin Bracewell and to share our tasty new beer.

And from Jeff Hahn at Day Block Brewing

What inspired the idea of Bands that Brew?

We originally started the idea about 8-9 years ago. It was born out of a love for music and a desire to support local musicians.,… who wouldn’t want a beer named after them? Or a song or the band! It’s been on hiatus for about 4-5 years but we thought it was time to bring it back. We currently have lined up one other band for this Fall and intend to keep in going several times a year!

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