MN Music Video: The Hotel Underground by Life On Mars with Scarlet Rivera

Another video that features Marc Percansky and Ruby the dog, it’s The Hotel Underground by Life On Mars with Scarlet Rivera.

The song, as poised, is another love song to Ruby, quite a dog. The music is reminiscent of a Bob Dylan Minnesota folk feel – with a harder rock guitar.

The video is filmed in the park next to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. It’s a gorgeous part of the city and it’s fun to see Eros (the sculptured head) used in the video. Also the camera work reminds me of the Teletubbies, with the accentuated rolling hills of the park and the fun cut and play camera work. It was the best part of the Teletubbies.


  1. Much love and thanks to Mostly Minnesota, Ann Treacy, Life On Mars, Scarlet Rivera, Michael Johnson (who filmed and edited this video), Minneapolis Institute of Art along with everybody else who was involved! And of course Ruby!


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