5 Questions with Burning Blue Rain Takes Residence at KJ’s Hideaway Every Sunday in February

I’ve seen sneaky peeks of Burning Blue Rain playing with Katy Tessman. They are so good and I’m excited to get more opportunities to see them spread out and with some super interesting nights planned every Sunday in February at KJ’s Hideaway. We might just wish February was longer this year!

Please tell us about the band members.

I’m Louis Tessman Stanoch, the songwriter, vocalist, and I play guitar in Burning Blue Rain. Oliver Osland plays piano, organ, synth and sings backing vocals. Our rhythm section includes Caleb Carr on bass and Breckyn Lovvas on drums. Jack Westrop has recently joined the band and he plays sax.

How did you get together?

Just a few years back, we all were students at Hopkins High School, but our friendship and musical collaboration began when we started jamming together in the summer of 2022. It all began when our buddy Kevin Weber suggested we explore our musical connection, given our shared love for similar music styles. We come from a variety of musical backgrounds, with some of us having formal training and others being self-taught, but together we’re navigating the early stages of our musical careers.

What drew you to the blues?

Over the past three years, my affection for blues music has profoundly expanded. It’s special because it can grab your attention with its strong emotions, telling stories through soulful melodies and meaningful lyrics. It’s real and genuine. Legendary guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, and B.B. King, along with piano and organ players like Stevie Wonder, Jimmy Smith and Riky Peterson, make the blues timeless, connecting people across different times and places, providing understanding in the journey we call life.

No Peace in Mankind is your debut single. It seems to embrace some of the dark sides of society while celebrating the togetherness of our blight. Can you tell us more about the song?

The lyrics to this song were co-written between my dad and I. We both share the unsatisfied feelings we have with the world today and how the Blues is a way to express ourselves both musically and emotionally. The same goes for all of the band members. When Burning Blue Rain plays this song, we put our thoughts and feelings into our instruments and play with each other in the moment, from our heart and soul.

Please tell us about your upcoming residency at kj’s Hideaway.

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our blues residency to KJ’s Hideaway. It’s a chance for us to share our passion for the blues and connect with both devoted fans and those who may be discovering the genre for the first time. (Shout out to his mom, Katy Tessman, who does the majority of our booking and management.) Not only will we have the opportunity to showcase our talents but will also feature special guests by seasoned veterans in the local blues music community including.

KJ’s Hideaway is the perfect setting for our residency. Every Sunday in February at 2:00 p.m.


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