MN Music Video Premiere: Friend by Riley Skinner and album release Nov 9 at the Hook and Ladder

We are pleased to unveil Friend by Riley Skinner, the first single from her upcoming album Surrender. You can hear it live at the release show on November 9 at the Hook and Ladder.

The video feels like a road trip with friends, if your friends own a really cool car. The car, the clothing, the hotel, all give the video a timeless quality although, it specifically reminds me of Saturday afternoon driving with high school girlfriends. Afternoons full of gossip and the freedom of mobility without parents. The music is reminiscent of my high school era (1980s); a drive of pop punk with an undercurrent of folk, which we might not have called folk but alternative back in the day. There’s a tenderness and hopeful ethos of the song.

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